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Kepler's Books event was a lot of fun

The Kepler's event was standing room only, which was thrilling for me and Tom. Many teens from all over the area and many adults were in the audience. Thank you to everyone who came.

We showed Tom's drawings on a powerpoint and spoke about our creative processes and our collaboration. I had baby photos of Tom painting and he had photos of me from my art studio at Stanford when I was an undergrad.

I memorized parts of the book and presented them as a drama piece. Tom brought in a sculpture that had the same theme as one of his drawings. He told everyone the first step was calling yourself an artist and that creativity could extend to your whole life. I had two high school drama students read Sophie and Caleb as a two voice poem. Six teens whom I picked for a mini-anthology, "Bay Window: a view of teen poetry in the Bay Area," read their poetry.

It was an overpowering experience. I may not come down from the high for months.

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